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Work Desk

What is the GED?

  • There are 4 subject areas: Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science and Social Studies​

  • You have to take the GED ready test(s) first and pass with a score of 145 or higher to be able to take the official GED test.​

  • Once you pass a subject area you are done with it. If you do not pass a subject you only have to retake that subject.​

  • You can take the official GED tests  online at home or in office as an Online Proctored Exam, or you can go to Russell Springs to the local testing center.

  • Right now in the state of Kentucky, the first test in each subject area is FREE!​​​

  • Don't get discouraged if you don't pass a test, it happens, what matters is you don't give up!

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